Introducing a major step forward in our service to you

It’s been several years in the making, but finally it’s here and we’re very excited to tell you about it!


Our new Personal Finance Portal is a major step forward in our Financial Planning service to you, and we think you’ll really like it. Our Accounting and Legal arms (CHAS and WBB) have already introduced their own portals that have been really successful in speeding up communication and improving security, and now our Financial Planning team have also moved into the modern age!


We’ve already been testing it with a number of our clients and the feedback that we’ve received has been exceptionally positive. They’ve told us that they’ve found the Portal easy to use, intuitive and helpful in understanding their finances better.


You can watch this short video (a minute and a half) to find our more;


What’s so special about our new Personal Finance Portal (PFP)?


Firstly, it’s secure. We want to make dealing with us as easy and simple as possible, but at the same time the security of your data is extremely important to us. Unfortunately we live in a world where criminals are constantly trying to gain access to information that they can use for gain, and we want to stop them in their tracks. You’ll be able to email us, share important documents, and store information on the Portal in the knowledge that your data is secure.


But that’s not the only reason we’ve introduced our new Portal, because it offers you a whole range of additional facilities. You’ll be able to see all of your financial details in one place, with up-to-date values of your investments and key details, and update your information when things change. You’ll be able to measure the performance of your Plan and keep track of your money and your spending. As you become more familiar with the Portal we’ll be rolling out further services and improvements that will help you on your ongoing journey towards complete control over your finances, working in close partnership with our team.


Personal Guidance


One thing we’re really keen to emphasise is that the PFP has been designed to improve our personal service to you, not reduce it. Whatever your question, help is at hand if you need it from a member of our team.


We’ll be inviting you to register for the Portal as we get to your next Progress Meeting, so look out for more news about it. If you have any questions before then, or if you’re thinking of becoming a client and want to know more, just let us know.

Posted on: 2nd October, 2023
Posted by: The Chesterton House Team