Financial Planning Week 2021 – Learn How To Create a Plan to Change Your Life

Every year Financial Planning Week points a spotlight on the benefits of great Financial Planning, with plenty of events, media exposure and opportunities for people to experience Planning for themselves. Organised by the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investments (CISI), this year the Week happens between 11th and 17th October. Here we share what it’s all about and what we’re doing to get involved.


Can you imagine not having to worry about money? Would you like to have a Plan to make sure that your current and future financial goals will be met? So that you can live your life knowing that your money is working hard to benefit you, and that you are making the most of your finances?


Financial planning does exactly that. It’s about figuring out what you want from life, and making sure your finances can get you there, as well as planning for the important

things like investing for your future, buying a

home, reducing debt, retirement planning and more.


At Chesterton House we passionately believe in the benefits that Financial Planning can bring to people’s lives. That’s why we are delighted to be supporting the CISI’s Financial Planning Week, and we’ve planned some activities to help get the message across.


Free Financial Planning Advice


The best way to understand the power of planning is to experience it, and we are offering free, one hour consultations at which you can discuss your financial questions with a qualified Financial Planner, and get great advice about money. Whether you’re looking for the answer to a specific question, or just want to understand how planning can help you, these sessions are for you. They’re free, completely without obligation, and focused on you and your own Plan.


You can book your consultation in advance, and during the week commencing 11th October, via our website at or by calling us on 01509 610472.


Free Webinar on “The Five Key Planning Areas That Will Boost You To Financial Freedom”


If you want to become financially independent you need a Plan. In this free Webinar, Andy Jervis, our Chairman and an experienced Certified Financial Planner, will explain the Five Key Areas that make up a great Financial Plan, why they are important, and the positive action steps that you can take immediately to get your own Plan on track.


The Webinar will be held at 5.00 pm on Monday, 11th October. To sign up simply click on the link below.

Register for our Webinar

If You’d Like Your Own Financial Plan….


….we have a highly qualified team here at Chesterton House who can guide you. We have many happy clients all over the UK, many of whom have worked with us for years. Whether you want to plan for your retirement, invest for your future, start a business, provide for your family, or just want to make sense of all your financial ‘stuff’, we can help. Why not give us a call today to take the first step towards the goals that are important to you?


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Posted by: The Chesterton House Team